
Website Design

Bespoke Website Design

Whether you need a website created or designed from scratch or updating an existing current web site, we got it covered.

If required we are also able to design additional artwork that may be required in the construction of a website, which can also be used in any further promotional artwork you may require.

We know how essential the look and feel of your website is to you, that is why each website created is tailored to your needs and where possible based on any existing promotional artwork that you may have to complement your current marketing package.

Website Maintenance

Website Design Templates

Depending on your website you may find it needs updating or maintenance on a frequent bases. Because of this we are able to offer a variety of different packages from simple one off dates, to monthly or even weekly updates.

Where possible when frequent updates of a site is going to be made we maybe able to build in an option into your website for you to do basic updates and maintenance yourself.

We do advise that at least one page has content changed, no matter how small, every six weeks or so to improve continued ranking within search engines so it does not slip to the bottom of the list as they will see it as a “dead” site.

Website Hosting

Web Hosting servers

All our website design packages come with hosting at an arranged timescale for your project, but sometimes you may of created your own site and just need somewhere reliable and cost effective for it to be hosting on the internet.

We have many different hosting options from as little as only £2 per month (excluding domain name registration if required), please contact us with details on what you require and we will be able to sort out a package to accommodate your needs.